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Glass Hand Pipes

Bong Outlet's amazing selection of ​glass hand pipes are perfect for discreet, on-the-go smoking. You can fit these small ​glass water pipes​ into your pocket, purse or car glove compartment so you can have easy smoking access wherever you roam, from concerts to campsites. Browse our full selection of colorful, sturdy and affordable glass hand  pipes​ below! 

Why ​Glass Hand Pipes?

Glass hand pipes​ are one of the most convenient ways for smokers to take their hobby on the road (or anywhere). They're discreet, too, since you can easily slide it into your pocket or bag. But even though they're small, you can still have a quality smoking session on your own or with friends. These small ​glass water pipes​ come in a wide variety of colors and styles. If you want a small pipe that's affordable and easy to maintain, our selection of ​glass hand pipes​ is exactly what you're looking for.

Materials pipes made from

  • Glass Pipes: The most popular among stoners because of its functionality. Its' one of the simplest ways to safely enjoy your favorite cannabis, weed, or CBD flower. It's way easier than using a vaporizer or a bong.
  • Metal Pipes: They are very low maintenance and super durable. It is suitable for on the go.
  • Wooden Pipes: They are sturdy, affordable, and lend a pleasantly rustic aesthetic to your smoking experience. Using a wooden pipe, you'll be able to inhale the smoke into your mouth and then exhale it.
  • Stone Pipes: Durable, portable, and each one unique, stone pipes have many advantages over glass or metal pipes because it doesn't alter the taste of your smoke like metal or wood does. Smoking from stone tastes clean and full flavored, just like from glass. Stone pipes don't require any water, either, so you can smoke them any time, any place.
  • Silicone Pipes: Silicone pipes are much sought after smoking pipes. They offer excellent smoking properties, are very durable, easy to clean, and give you a lot of bang for your bucks.

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